Build QuantumPT

This page shows you how to build QuantumPT application from scratch on Windows 7 using pyqtdeploy.


ALL packages need to be installed for 32-bits, it will work even if you have a 64-bits system.

Make sure that the Qt, PyQt5, Python and Microsoft Visual Studio version match. This guide supposes you do not have a previous version of softwares installed.


Python 3.6.x

The installation of Python is straight forward however you will need some modification to make task easier.

  • Check Add Python 3.6 to PATH and modify the installation to path C:\Python36\

    Add Python 3.6 to PATH

    Modify the installation to path

You will also need to install Python packages :

Before continuing the tutorial, make sure you are using Python 3.6.x version of python. To verify, run python command in a terminal and read the output, it should print the used Python version.

python -m pip install "APScheduler>=3.3.1" "geoip2>=2.4.2" "pytz>=2017.2" "requests>=2.13.0" "PyQt5>=5.8.2" "appdirs>=1.4.3" "packaging>=16.8" "pyparsing>=2.2.0" "pyqtdeploy>=1.3.2"

Qt 5.8.0

The installation of Qt is straight forward and does not need any particular settings (use the default settings unless you know what you are doing).

  • Make sure to install Qt in the C:\Qt\Qt5.8.0\ directory. This should be the default path.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

The installation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 is a little bit different and needs more configuration.

Common Tools C++ for Visual C++ 2015 feature needs to be enabled in order to compile correctly PyQt applications.

When running the installer, make sure the feature is enabled :


In order to build QuantumPT, we need to compile PyQt5 and sip from sources.

After downloading sources from requirements, extract the archives in the same directory (easy for compilation)

Let’s create an environment to compile PyQt and SIP (in order to compile PyQt, we need first to compile sip)

  • Create a folder “compilation” in your Desktop (for example)
  • Extract the content of your sip archive in this forlder
  • Extract the content of your PyQt5 archive in this forlder

You should have now :

└── compilation
    ├── sip-4.19.2/
    └── PyQt5_gpl-5.8.2/

[Compilation] sip

  • Open a terminal
  • Navigate to sip-4.19.2 directory
  • Run :

At this step, you did not install sip, you only configured it (basically its installation dir, etc…)

  • VERY IMPORTANT STEP source your environment variables by running in the terminal :
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)

After running this command, it automatically change your current directory.

  • Stay on the terminal and re-navigate to your sip-4.19.2 directory and run:
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
  • (always in the same terminal) run :
  • Finally, run :
nmake install

[Compilation] PyQt5

The steps are almost the same as sip but it will take more time.

  • Open a terminal
  • Navigate to PyQt5_gpl-5.8.2 directory
  • Run :
python --disable QtNfc --confirm-license

Note that this command disable QtNfs because of a compilation problem we could not resolve. It will also automatically accepts the license.

  • VERY IMPORTANT STEP source your environment variables by running in the terminal :
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)

After running this command, it automatically change your current directory.

  • Stay on the terminal and re-navigate to your PyQt5_gpl-5.8.2 directory and run:
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
  • (always in the same terminal) run :

Notice that we did not run the nmake install command for PyQt5, if you run the command, it will install the libraries in C:\Python36 site-packages and replaces the PyQt5 installed by pip so PyQt5 modules will be broken.


  • Open a terminal
  • Clone the QuantumPT repository in a specific folder
git clone 
  • VERY IMPORTANT STEP source your environment variables by running in the terminal :
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)

After running this command, it automatically change your current directory.

  • Stay on the terminal and navigate to your QuantumPT directory that you cloned and run:
# Keep the double quotes (Windows does not like spaces)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
  • (always in the same terminal) run :
pyqtdeploy build.pdy
  • The pyqtdeploy application will open, navigate to the latest tab Build, check Run qmake and Run make
  • Build the application by clicking on the Build button


The output will be located in QuantumPT directory under build/release/


We will need to get some files now because the executable generated is not complete, it needs to be linked to some libraries.

  • Create a custom-release directory that will contain the builded release

  • In the build/release/ directory, copy the QuantumPT.exe binary to custom-release directory

  • Navigate to sip-4.19.2 directory

  • Copy the following sip library to custom-release directory

  • Navigate to PyQt5_gpl-5.8.2 directory

  • Copy the following Qt libraries to custom-release directory

  • Navigate to C:\Python36 directory

  • Copy the following Python system libraries to custom-release directory

  • Copy the following Python libraries to custom-release\lib directory
  • Navigate to C:\Qt\Qt5.8.0 directory

  • Copy the following Qt libraries to custom-release directory

  • Copy the following Qt plugins to custom-release directory keeping the folders architecture
  • Navigate to QuantumPT directory

  • Copy the following resources to custom-release directory keeping the folders architecture

  • Navigate to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 directory

  • Copy the following Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 libraries to custom-release directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC140.CRT\msvcp140.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC140.CRT\vcruntime140.dll

Finally, the build is complete and a new release has been generated.

The release architecture should looks like the following :

├── lib
|   ├── _multiprocessing.pyd
|   ├── _socket.pyd
|   ├── pyexpat.pyd
|   ├── select.pyd
|   └── unicodedata.pyd
├── plugins
|   ├── mediaservice
|   |   ├── dsengine.dll
|   |   ├── qtmedia_audioengine.dll
|   |   └── wmfengine.dll
|   ├── platforms
|   |   └── qwindows.dll
|   └── sqldrivers
|       └── qsqlite.dll
├── resources
|   ├── database
|   |   ├── database.db
|   |   └── ip_location.mmdb
|   └── multimedia
|       ├── athans
|       |   ├── athan_1.mp3
|       |   └── [...]
|       └── duas
|           ├── doua_001.mp3
|           └── [...]
├── msvcp140.dll
├── python3.dll
├── python36.dll
├── Qt.dll
├── Qt5Core.dll
├── Qt5Gui.dll
├── Qt5Multimedia.dll
├── Qt5Network.dll
├── Qt5Sql.dll
├── Qt5Widgets.dll
├── QtCore.dll
├── QtGui.dll
├── QtMultimedia.dll
├── QtNetwork.dll
├── QtSql.dll
├── QtWidgets.dll
├── QuantumPT.exe
├── vcruntime140.dll
└── sip.pyd